I’ve been frustrated about different political happenings and trends so this turned into a bit of a rant at times. I jump from one idea to another pretty quickly (partly due to some editing decisions as well), but hopefully it’s a cohesive listen. Here are the list of topics: (1:00) power of conversation, (3:30) the sadism of oppressors, (5:40) stress associated with relationships1, (10:30) Palestine/Israel: they are justifying genocide2, (15:13) debunking Kamala, Trump & the media’s lies345, (26:45) Israel’s pager attack on Lebanon, (29:15) U.S./Israel breaking laws of war, (30:45) American Nazism, (36:00) what is democracy, and its connection to sustainability, (45:00) Indigenous wisdom6.
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'WON'T BLEED ME: The Sequel (see page 39)' by Slauson Malone
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